what i found difficult was the days and weeks after the birth. taking care of a very demanding newborn while you are sore all over is such a daunting task. plus the sleep deprivation was just too much. there were times when i would cry because of pure exhaustion especially when she's crying non stop and inconsolable and my husband was already back at work. so i had no one to rely on but only myself. those were the times that i wished i was in cebu where my parents and all the relatives are. you can always rely on a helping hand out there.
almost 8 weeks on, i already got the hang of it and things are a lot easier. Ava's got a routine already and she sort of sleeps through the night from 10pm-4am unlike before when i have to feed her every 2 hrs at night and every 3 hrs during the day. i am able to enjoy her now after the rough first 6 weeks. i used to tell myself that things could only get better and it truly has.
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