Stage Mommy Diaries
My name is Raquel and I have been writing online since 2004 as an outlet because I love to write, having been an Editor-in-chief ( Features Editor and Associate Editor previous to that) of our school
publication while I was in University. I also have the pride of having one of my articles published in a
national newspaper back home in the Philippines .
I used to write under the blog titled Welcome To
My World. The moment I became a mommy, I changed it to Confessions
of a Stage Mommy because I am very much a stage mommy to my baby girl. In 2010, I moved to Blogger as The Stage Mommy Diaries and in 2012, I decided to
get my own domain and that was how was born.
I believe there is a stage mommy (or a stage daddy for you daddies our there) in each one of us. It does carry a negative connotation but being a stage mommy does not have to be a negative aspect of parenthood. It does not need to mean tiger mom or pushy mom. For me, being a stage mommy is someone who supports her child (or children) and pushes them to reach their dreams in way that is encouraging rather than overbearing. Someone who is always there to hold their hands, pick them up when they fall ( literally and figuratively) but is also the one who holds the most pride when they succeed, in all things big or small.
I also love my food and I love to travel with a serious case of wanderlust. So,
aside from my mommy musings, there will be a regular dose of posts about food
and travel.
This stage mommy also loves everything about fashion and
cosmetics, so there will be regular doses of that, too!