as of today, i have been officially off from work for three weeks now and officially full term with my pregnancy. i could give birth anytime soon (i doubt it though. haven't felt any signs yet) or i could still be pregnant in the next 4 weeks which i hope not. i'm hoping this baby is not a latecomer.
what did i do in the last three weeks? well, for one, i have finished my christmas shopping and gift wrapped them before the end of november (a first for me). i also have washed, ironed and folded all the baby clothes that we bought, received as gifts and the hand-me-downs as well from friends' babies. i've even arranged them already in her closet and drawers. it's amazing how they all add up to think we only bought the very few basics like a newborn set (consisting of a cardigan,sleepsuit,hat and booties) and about 6 sleepsuits or all in ones. after i put them all together, they were like one whole wardrobe already and she's not even born yet.
i also have packed my hospital bag. i didn't realize it was going to be a daunting task. i had a list to follow given by the midwife alright, but it didn't seem practical because after i have put them all together in a bag that will accomodate them all, it looked like i was going on a 2 week holiday. so i sorted the list and packed just the very essential ones. after all, we only live 10 minutes drive from the hospital. hubby can always come and get something that we haven't got very easily.
i can't say that i haven't felt a tinge of boredom. especially when i still have three weeks to go until my official due date which is first of december. i will just have to find ways of entertaining myself. i'm sure that won't be difficult. for one, i already have the laptop and the internet as my new bestfriends.
and so the waiting continues...
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