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Sunday, 17 July 2011

In Her Bag

Last month saw the start of the Bag Lady Series on my blog where I feature ladies and what's inside their bags. For this month, I am featuring Cielo...

Celebrations at Luton Hoo, lunches at The Dorchester, Dinners at The Ritz on board limousines, this spoiled mommy would put Victoria Beckham's lifestyle to shame. And don't let me start on the handbags, obviously designer. 

Here she choses her favorite from the rest and like a mommy to her kids, she can't chose just one. So, here on Stage Mommy's Bag Lady Series, we feature not one but two of her handbags.

The Chanel flap bag is a classic and carries a price tag which is equivalent to three roundtrip plane tickets to the Philippines. But, it never goes out of style and can be handed down from generation to generation, like an heirloom I would say. It is an investment and any classy woman knows that.
Cielo's Chanel and what's inside it.

Another classic in her bag closet is a Louis Vuitton, a Brea Monogram Vernis to be exact.
Thank you, Cielo for letting the stage mommy into your bag closet. I would love to feature you again, once you get your Hermes.

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