the holidays has kept me busy not to mention some little glitches at work thus the lack of posts lately. now that the holidays are behind us and i am now starting to move on(more on that in my future entries), i will try my best to regularly update this blog of mine, which i haven't done in the last 19 days to be exact.
i have a lot of updating to do. the thing is, where do i start? i guess i will have to start with the recent holidays, what else? we had a wonderful christmas. ava is more aware of it now but not fully aware. she knows about santa but doesn't really get excited with a mere mention of him. at least, not yet. she likes the opening of gifts though and really love all of them, most especially the toys. speaking of gifts, i got my most wanted from my personal santa (hubby). i always wanted a matching necklace for my swarovski earrings that he got me from last christmas. a year after, i got the necklace. not bad. sometimes, it feels very rewarding when we wait for something and not just have it fall into our laps.

on the buying front, we did go to the sales on boxing day but didn't really get to buy anything. i thought i have been good but then, what i did online was a different thing. i bought something from i ticked and paid for the goods but alas, 2 days after i received an email from them telling me that my orders are out of stock and i thought, isn't it supposedly reserved already once you have paid it online. they did send some apologies and offered a free delivery if ever i decide to get something else on the website. also, on new year's day i thought, we will stay home and not spend at all since apparently it's a good way to ring in the new year. i thought i've been good and realized i spent on my newfound website, on new year's day itself. but never mind. that would be my christmas gift to myself because i haven't really bought anything for christmas.
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now, i'm just waiting for my order to arrive. how about you?what have you done lately?