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Sunday, 24 February 2013

Do It Yourself Colored Lip Balm

I have been on the look out for colored lip balm since I can remember. It is handy when you do not have time to put on lipstick on top of your clear lip balm. I have been eyeing Burt's Bees one but it is so difficult to find. It seems like it is always out of stock. 

Then I saw this on You Tube.

I thought this was brilliant as I would be able to customize it to my favorite lip color. So I did not waste time. I got my favorite lip balm and one of my favorite lipsticks from Body Shop. Shaved equal amounts of each (you can use vaseline if you do not have a lip balm in mind), placed them on the spoon and put it over a candle. I then poured it into an empty lip balm container and voila, my very own bespoke colored lip balm.


Monday, 11 February 2013

Eye Makeup

I am a late bloomer. A late bloomer on just about anything. I did not wear makeup, lipstick at that, until I was already in my twenties and was working. I learned to wear proper makeup, with foundation, blush and all in my early thirties and now that I am in my late thirties (uh-oh, revealing my age there) I am starting to really go for eye makeup. I did not used to like eye makeup as it can be so fiddly but looking at my photos where I wear some, it just defines my eyes and looks really nice. So I have decided to start learning. The other day, I got myself a basice eye makeup from Benefit, the big beautiful eyes palette.


And here is the tutorial

And my go to for makeup tutorial - Michelle Phan on YouTube.

I cannot wait to try and learn. I guess I am growing up after all.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The Fourth Birthday Party

It is always something to think about what the next birthday party theme is going to be. For her previous birthdays, we have done Strawberry Shortcake and Minnie Mouse. This time I decided to veer away from character themed party and opted for something a bit different. We hired someone who does arts and crafts parties and we had the Make A Bear party where they, well, make their own stuffed teddy bears. The party package came complete with face painting, beads making and figurine painting. It was really good value for money. It kept the little ones busy indoors while it was pouring outside as the month of November here in the UK is normally dark, cold and rainy.

I also decided to put up a Sweets Buffet having gathered the idea from Pinterest. 
I put up DIY pompoms with tutorials that I followed in YouTube and gathered together different candies and chocolates from any thrift store I can find. I did go all the way to Central London just to get all pink M&M's from M&M's World. 

The labels were done using free label templates online.

The Face Painting station.

The Beads Making station.

The teddy bears waiting to be stuffed.

The little ones keeping busy.

It was a wonderful birthday party enjoyed by the young and old alike, most especially enjoyed by the birthday girl.